Hilary is like the Chamleon. She blends into the branches of the Tree of Public Opinion with no defining thought or originality. Her branches blow whereever the winds may blow, changing with each new direction that Public Opinion takes. Hilary is always assessing what this Tree wants. Should she be more religious, should she be more Moderate, should she be more Southern or should she be more appealing to the Black voters or the Hispanic voters or whatever group that is screaming the loudest at the moment. If you would poll Hilary's supporters you would have as many different views of what Hilary stands for as you would have people that participated in the poll. Her big Health Care iniative that she just recently unveiled reeks of Socialism. Her proponents of this misguided attempt at universal health care would say it is not a forced plan but you have a choice keep your existing health insurance or enjoy the plan that Congress has. What will this wonderful coverage cost the taxpayers....$100,000,000,000 a year. We all know how the Federal government runs its Agencies just look at the Post Office and Amtrak. These are good examples of how well Washington can run things. That is all we need another bureaucratic agency to soak up more of the taxpayers dollars. We need less government at the Federal level not MORE.
Fred on the other hand has a deeper connection to the People. He is the Tree. His feet are the Roots of the Tree embedded in the Grassroots of this Country. His opinions are not changeable with the current trends of Public Opinion but are the Bed Rock of this Great Land of Ours. The Land that we call America. A Land created in Liberty. One Nation Under God. He truly understands that LESS is really MORE and that the Federal Government needs to shrink not grow. We should not be a Nation of entitlements but a Nation of Industry and Free Enterprise. The Democratic Party has always been about what the Federal Government can do enslave the masses through these Federal handouts. What is the old saying ...give a person food he eats for a day, teach a person how to grow food he eats for a life time. That is why we need a teacher not someone handing out entitlements to be our next President of the United States. Fred Dalton Thompson for President in 2008. Please Contribute to Fred's campaign.
The American Patriot
Monday, September 10, 2007
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