Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Testing the Presidential Waters for the 2008 Election

Fred is stepping closer to his Presidential Destiny and has announced that he would be "Testing the Water" for a presidential bid in 2008. June 4th would be the first day that contributions would be accepted for his proposed Candidacy. Freds loyal supporters need to make this day one that will be remebered as the Largest single day of contributions by the grassroots in American history. This will make the other candidates Republican and Democrat sit up and take notice that Fred Dalton Thompson is a serious Presidential contender! Every day it becomes clearer that Fred Thompson is the only viable Candiadate that the Republican Party could unite behind and could defeat any one of the Democratic hopefuls, Edwards, Clinton or Obama. I still believe that the majority of the American people have the core Christian beliefs of what is Right vs what is Wrong as depicted in the Ten Commandments. We have to have faith that the Majority of Christian Americans will step up in 2008 and make our voices be heard above the din of the Dinosaur Media and the Left wing radicals composed of the ACLU and Move on .org. God Bless America and God Bless Fred Dalton Thompson and we all pray that he makes his annoucement to run for the Presidency soon (July 4th).

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