Monday, September 10, 2007

The Tree of Public Opinion

Hilary is like the Chamleon. She blends into the branches of the Tree of Public Opinion with no defining thought or originality. Her branches blow whereever the winds may blow, changing with each new direction that Public Opinion takes. Hilary is always assessing what this Tree wants. Should she be more religious, should she be more Moderate, should she be more Southern or should she be more appealing to the Black voters or the Hispanic voters or whatever group that is screaming the loudest at the moment. If you would poll Hilary's supporters you would have as many different views of what Hilary stands for as you would have people that participated in the poll. Her big Health Care iniative that she just recently unveiled reeks of Socialism. Her proponents of this misguided attempt at universal health care would say it is not a forced plan but you have a choice keep your existing health insurance or enjoy the plan that Congress has. What will this wonderful coverage cost the taxpayers....$100,000,000,000 a year. We all know how the Federal government runs its Agencies just look at the Post Office and Amtrak. These are good examples of how well Washington can run things. That is all we need another bureaucratic agency to soak up more of the taxpayers dollars. We need less government at the Federal level not MORE.

Fred on the other hand has a deeper connection to the People. He is the Tree. His feet are the Roots of the Tree embedded in the Grassroots of this Country. His opinions are not changeable with the current trends of Public Opinion but are the Bed Rock of this Great Land of Ours. The Land that we call America. A Land created in Liberty. One Nation Under God. He truly understands that LESS is really MORE and that the Federal Government needs to shrink not grow. We should not be a Nation of entitlements but a Nation of Industry and Free Enterprise. The Democratic Party has always been about what the Federal Government can do enslave the masses through these Federal handouts. What is the old saying ...give a person food he eats for a day, teach a person how to grow food he eats for a life time. That is why we need a teacher not someone handing out entitlements to be our next President of the United States. Fred Dalton Thompson for President in 2008. Please Contribute to Fred's campaign.

The American Patriot

Friday, August 31, 2007

Fred Announces his Candidacy for President in 2008

Let the RACE begin! The much awaited announcement will occur on September 6, 2007. The news media is already making comments about how, when and why that this actor/statesmen can even join the race at such a late date. I say it was pure genuis that Senator Thompson tested the waters until the last possible moment. Most of the other Republican candiadates have either shot themselves in the foot or the Public has grown tired of listening to them drone on about nothing of substance. Fred has the charisma and forcefullness that is needed in the Whitehouse. I think the Whitehouse press corps will have a rude awakening the first time President Thompson comes to the podium for a press conference. The arrogant media will be thourghly confused by the slow Tennessee drawal and the razor sharp wit that will quickly destroy their attempt at controlling the news conference and portraying the Presidents comments in a negative light. All of my fellow Patriots need to make their voices heard in all of the states and make it a National mandate for Senator Thompson to be elected as our next President of these United States. Our very Sovereignty depends upon his election. Our Glorious Country will cease to exist as we know it or I should say as it once was. The Country of my childhood is slowly but surely being eroded by the Liberal forces at work in our once Great Nation. The ACLU and the Move On .org groups are eating away at the very fabric of our Constitution. They are like an insidious Cancer within our Society that wants us to believe that they are protecting the rights of the American People when they are actually destroying the Moral fabric of our Country. They are blurring the boundaries between what is right and what is wrong. They (ACLU, etal) are portraying the Christian Faith as the root of the problem in America and the element that is polarizing the people. The fact of the matter is that the Liberals are the polarizing element and their intent is the destruction of the American way of life that our Founding Fathers created for us. Fred Dalton Thompson is the only voice in the wilderness that makes any sense in all this madness. He is our best hope of getting our Country back out of the clutches of the globalists and the socialists that want to bring our Nation down to its knees. True Americans have a little over a year to make sure Senator Thompson is our next President.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Harry Reid Give it a Rest - NO SURRENDER

Senator Harry Reid must be a complete idiot and any other Senator, Republican or DEM-WIT that signs on to his criuse ship of FOOLS must not be seeing what the rest of America is seeing -progress in Iraq. PRAVDA of course is not reporting any good news out of Iraq so the only way True Americans can receive balanced coverage is through talk radio, FOX News and blogs like this are the only way to get the truth. I at least know that my Oklahoma Senators Tom Coburn and Jim Inhoff will vote against Senator Reids clumsy attempt to surrender in Iraq. I am very embarrased that other Republican Senators are trying to pressure the President in pulling the troops from Iraq prematurly. I feel as do most Americans that it is ashame that more Iraqis do not stand up and resist the secular violence that is devasting their country. I guess Americans are spoiled in the fact that we live in a free society and if the Iraq type turmoil existed in our country we would not tolerate it and fight back. That is exactly what we are trying to instill in their societal fiber. Iraq has to wake up and soon or they will lose their chance forever of a FREE SOCIETY. A society not dictated by the radical Imans and stifiling their Nationhood. American Troops are dying for their chance under the Sun. I regret every life that is lost for this endeavor, however if Iraq is to be stable Democratic influence in the Mid-East then sacrafices have to be made. If we pull out too soon the sacrafices in the future will be greater than what they are now. I would rather kill the terriorists in Iraq than on the streets of America. Take the gloves off our troops and let them do their job. Set up free fire zones in the trouble spots. Make the civilians vacate the area and then kill everything walking on two legs. That just might slow the enemy down and help us gain some ground.

God Bless our Troops and God Bless our President

Elect Fred Dalton Thompson in 2008

American Patriot

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Senator Thompson and Hilary tied in latest Rasmussen Poll

This is truly amazing to me that Senator Thompson would be tied with the Democratic front runner in the latest Rasmussen poll and he has not officially entered the Presidential race. What is not amazing is that the Democrats and Hilary's sycophants have already started taking pot shots at Fred. Senator Clinton has the best name recognition of all the Candidates in either party. Ms. Clintons only problem is that there are equal amounts of Americans that either hate her or love her. There are not many voters that are indifferent to her. Senator Thompson on the other hand has not had quite the media exposure that Clinton has had and still ties her in the Presidential poll. Senator Thompson will only get stronger, especially after the American People listen to him and get to know what he stands for. Fred is very forthright and clear on his positions and does not avoid tough questions. I am ready for the 2008 Presidential Debates when Hilary and Senator Thompson square off. It will be a blood bath. I know Senator Clinton try every dirty trick that she can to get an edge on the election using indirect smear campaigns orchestrated by her minions. Hopefully the American Public has learned something about how the Clinton's campaign and will see the dirty tactics that they employ for what they are, sick attempts to influence the gullable electorate by innuendo and smoke . Fred's easy manner and direct approach to the problems that concern Americans the most will convince the majority of thinking voters that he is the best hope for OUR Country.

American Patriot

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Grassroots have Spoken - NO to Amnesty

I am truly amazed that our Senators have listened to the PEOPLE for once. It was due to no small part to Conservative talk radio and all the wonderful Blogs that fill the internet. The People both Republicans and Democrats united on this one issue of Illegal Aliens and our Border Security. One voice filled the Senators fax boxes and their offices by telephone and E-mails NO Amnesty - Secure our Border first. I still am a George Bush supporter on most issues (War on Terrior and Tax Cuts) however he unfortunately has lost touch with the pulse of the people on this very important issue. I do not know how much clearer the message could be for the Immigration Bill to fail in the Senate. The Senate is usually always out of touch with the mainstream voters and have an aristocratic attitude that seems to be above the common peoples plight. I thought that the House of Representatives would have to rein in the Reids and Kennedys and finally do the will of the American People by defeating this unsupported misguided attempt on legalizing people that have broken into our "House" and basically robbing us of our Rule of Law. I am sure President Bush wanted to have resolved the Immigration issue before he left office and have that accomplishment represent part of his Legacy as President. This would have caused President Thompson a lot unnecessary effort to wipe the "Lipstick off that Legislative Pig". No amount of effort would have fixed the problems that would have been
caused by this horrible bill. Legacy or not President Thompson should be free to fix the problem of a Secure Border in his own way. The American outcry on the Illegal Alien issue really opens up the door for Fred Dalton Thompson and his bid for the Whitehouse in 2008. Senator Thompson is the only Candidate that can unite Republicans and Democrats in 2008 and really address the issues that concern most Americans. Hilary and Obama are stuck on National Healthcare and basically Socialized Medicene which I feel most Americans will reject except maybe "Sicko" Michael Moore. Social programs are not mainstream American issues. Senator Thompson will be the "Right Person at the Right Time" and step into a Political void that the American People want filled.. an America Leader that is a Statesman in the fashion of Ronald Regan.

American Patriot

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Presidential Election 2008 - Another one too close to call

When are we going to learn as Americans that the electorial process is the most sacred right that we have. ALL AMERICANS of voting age should be registered to vote and exercise this right as often as we are allowed. Our states should have the laws in place that assures the voters that the electorial process will be carried out efficently and fairly. America has been the beacon of the world for a free society and its right to vote for over two centuries. We have encouraged other struggling countries to form free societies and have its populations democratically vote to form their governments. Iraq is a prime example of this phenomenon of a country supreesed by a brutul dictatorship for 50 years and then encouraged to have free elections to form a democratic government. A government of their own choosing. In some parts of Iraq 85-90% of the eliigible voters turned out to cast their votes. The Iraqis had to dodge snipers, suicide bombers and morter rounds just to cast their votes. Americans are so blessed to have a peaceful environment to vote in. We do not have to run through a gauntlet of terriorists to cast our votes. Our Founding Fathers bestowed upon our free society a Republican form of government with a very unique, by world standards, form of an electorial process. We have to stand up and let the majority be heard above the din of the people that think everything that America stands for is evil and corrupt. That we are the bad guys and must have caused the horrible events on 09/11 by enciting the muslims to kill innocent men, women and children. Almost 3,000 people died that horrible day in New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania. This tragic event has not even galvanized our electoriate to discard the blinders and shake off the shackles to see the world as it truly is. We live in the Greatest Nation since the days of Rome and all of the evil despots in the Worlds evil are focused on us as if we are some how to blame for all of their self induced troubles. Our Glorious Republic needs to refocus its massive cumulative energy and protect our Borders (Build the Wall First) and then solve the problem of the illegal aliens in a just and fair way. The first thing we need to do as a Country is to guarantee our electorial is fair and balanced. Every state needs to pass VOTER ID legislation and bring into law the process for this to happen before our Presidential election in 2008. We do not want Hilary or Obama crying foul when FRED DALTON THOMPSON becomes our President.

Register and get out the VOTE in 2008

American Patriot

Monday, June 11, 2007

Patriots have won the First Round on the Border

The Patriots of America have won the First round of the Border War in the Senate. We can not let down or vigilance on this issue. We need to keep up the pressure on our elected officials to stand firm with us and make the number #1 priority the fence on our southern border to stop the flow of the illegal aliens into OUR COUNTRY. I love our President and respect his opinions on many things but I stand with the majority of Americans that oppose his positions on "Amnesty" and the Border. Secure the border first then address the other issues of the illegal aliens already in the United States. I also believe that we need to address the issue of granting American Citizenship to the children of illegal aliens born in this Country. This process has to STOP! Only children born of "Legal" Immigrants should be allowed to become Amerian citizens. The children of illegal aliens born in this Country only confuse an already confusing situation. These children become "Anchor" children and then how do you separate the illegal parents from quasi legal American citizens. This only encourages more intrusions across our border of illegal aliens wanting to have their unborn children become American citizens. Enough is Enough. We have to STOP this wild stampede into our Country and the desecration of our American Sovereignty NOW.

In a recent editorial by Mark Alexander publisher of the "Patriot Post" he points out that we have a subversive element of the "Amnesty" movement among the hispanic community that should be labled a "Terriorist" group. This organization has illegal and naturalized citizens as memebers. The "Reconquista" movement is being organized by the World Communist Party. Its aim is self evident by its name the "Reconquest" of North America, the United States America by its so called original inhabitants. I hate to break it to them but they intruded on the "Real" original American inhabitants the Native Americans or Indian tribes that dwelled in their conquested lands of North America. The "Reconquistas" have a misguided agenda fostered by the communists that they can take over OUR COUNTRY from within by quietly and illegally entering into OUR COUNTRY and claiming squatters rights. They are hoping that we get so frustrated with the undaunting tasking of deporting them that we will give in and give them "Amnesty" and the legal status to stay in OUR COUNTRY work and send money back to Mexico. Most of these illegals have no desire to become US citizens they only want to drain our social systems, flaunt our laws and send money home to their impoverised country. Patriots we need to wake up and call a spade a spade, these are "Terriorists", people cloaked in the mantle of "Amnesty" wanting to DESTROY the United States of America. The only person standing in their way is the only hope we have as citizens of this great Nation to save our Republic and that person is the next President of the United States, FRED DALTON THOMPSON.


American Patriot

Congress has launched the most massive immigration reform effort in 40 years, and Senators Ted Kennedy and John Kyle are insisting on rewarding those who enter the U.S. illegally with what amounts to amnesty and fast-track citizenship.The "Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration ReformAct of 2007," will be no more effective than the last "comprehensive" reform attempts -- the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act and its predecessor, the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act -- because like the previous legislation, the current version does not start by securing our borders.Immigration legislation must first address national security issues, meaning border security and enforcement are paramount. Once border security has been established, the following priorities must be authorized and funded: immediate detention and deportation of those crossing our borders illegally; deportation of any foreign national convicted of a serious crime or seditious activity; a temporary-worker program (with reliable documentation a prerequisite) to meet the current demand for unskilled labor; penalties against employers who hire undocumented workers; no extension of amnesty and fast-track citizenship (new applicants to the back of the line); the removal of birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens; the preservation and provision of tax-subsidized medical, educational and social services for Americancitizens and immigrants here legally, and the Americanization of newlegal immigrants, including a national mandate for English as theofficial language and an end to bilingual education.Every day that passes without these reform measures, about 3,200illegal aliens cross our borders. In another month, more than 96,000illegal aliens will have entered the U.S.If immigration policy does not start at the border, our national heritage will end there.You can help The Patriot advance this important message tomillions of Americans so our Senators, Representatives and thePresident will know that the vast majority of Americans want ourborders secured and reject any amnesty proposal.Thank you!
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis!
Mark AlexanderPublisher, PatriotPost.US

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Testing the Presidential Waters for the 2008 Election

Fred is stepping closer to his Presidential Destiny and has announced that he would be "Testing the Water" for a presidential bid in 2008. June 4th would be the first day that contributions would be accepted for his proposed Candidacy. Freds loyal supporters need to make this day one that will be remebered as the Largest single day of contributions by the grassroots in American history. This will make the other candidates Republican and Democrat sit up and take notice that Fred Dalton Thompson is a serious Presidential contender! Every day it becomes clearer that Fred Thompson is the only viable Candiadate that the Republican Party could unite behind and could defeat any one of the Democratic hopefuls, Edwards, Clinton or Obama. I still believe that the majority of the American people have the core Christian beliefs of what is Right vs what is Wrong as depicted in the Ten Commandments. We have to have faith that the Majority of Christian Americans will step up in 2008 and make our voices be heard above the din of the Dinosaur Media and the Left wing radicals composed of the ACLU and Move on .org. God Bless America and God Bless Fred Dalton Thompson and we all pray that he makes his annoucement to run for the Presidency soon (July 4th).

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thompson on the Immigration Problem

The "comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007", S. 1348 is the Democrats vailed attempt to hijack the Republican Party by convincing the Illegal Aliens that they, the Democrats are fighting for their right to become a US citizen more qickly than it would take through the legal channels that they should take and the citizenship pathway that most Americans want. The Senate Immigration Act would create a lot of new latino Democrat "Voters" by this Southern Border slight of hand trick that would create a possible 20 million voters to recruit from. Since the Democrats (Kennedy, etal) are taking credit for this "Immigration Compromise" they will be the party that will garner most of the voters from this fiasco. The Republican Party who barely won the Whitehouse in 2000 and 2004 will be in serious jeporday in any future elections (2008) that these new Illegal voters may influence.

"No matter how much lipstick Washington tries to slap onto this legislative pig, it’s not going to win any beauty contests. In fact, given Congress’s track record, the bill will probably get a lot uglier -- at least from the public’s point of view. And agreeing to policies before actually seeing what the policies are is a heck of a way to do business." This is a quote from Fred's May 18, 2007 Report-ABC Radio Networks. The bottom line is that this new "Comprehensive Immigration Bill" is not much different than the one passed in 1986 that we are trying to fix. However it is not really addressing the real problem of fixing the borders first then wory about the 20 million illgal aliens that have taken up residency in Our Country. I am sure that a majority of these illegals are hard working individuals, however the fact remains that they are taking jobs away from Americans and Bankrupty our Hospitals and other social services. Amnesty or any thing that resembles Amnesty will not be tolerated by the majority of American citizens. I heard this Memeorial weekend a statistic that I thought was rather interesting. Approximately 100 million American Citizens could trace their ancestry back to Ellis Island in New York and Immigration into this Country legally. What would this granting of legal status to Illegal Aliens mean to these (100 million) "Citizens" whose ancestors came into this Country the Right way. It should outrage them and demand justice for people no matter how well intentioned are still entering this Country the "Wrong" way. NO Amnesty for Illegal Aliens.

American Patriot

Recent Speech by Former Senator Thompson in Chicago

Fred Thompson predicts immigration reform bill will fail


The Jackson Sun

CHICAGO - The immigration reform bill worked out late last week by Senate Republicans and Democrats likely will fail, former senator and possible presidential candidate Fred Thompson said here Sunday.
Thompson, speaking at the National Restaurant Association annual show, said the bill will not win the support of the American people because they don't trust senators' promises to block illegal immigrants from crossing the Mexican border into the U.S.
"Nobody believes them. It goes to the bigger issue of the lack of credibility our government has these days," said Thompson, who was greeted with hoots and applause from the 2,300 convention attendees who filled a ballroom at the McCormick Place convention center. Thompson also was harshly critical of China, saying the military and economic threat the country poses is among the critical issues - along with untamed growth in entitlement spending - that are not being dealt with while the U.S. is fixated on the war in Iraq.
"I call it 'The Day After Iraq,' " Thompson said. "It's not a pretty picture."
He said China is "making deals with every bloodthirsty dictator they can" to feed its growing economy's need for energy.
Thompson made the meatier comments during the question-and-answer session with audience members, which followed a 45-minute tale of his path from Tennessee lawyer to Watergate prosecutor, to actor and Republican senator.
Dressed in a black suit, the towering Thompson casually leaned into the lectern and wandered away from it as he spoke in a laid-back style that was almost inaudible at times. Other times his responses were somewhat jumbled. But the crowd of restaurant professionals ate it up, giving Thompson a standing ovation as he entered and another when his remarks ended.
Kevin Mundy, who works for a Maryland restaurant company, said he thought Thompson was "being real."
"It's just what the country is looking for - somebody who is going to cut through the political jargon and get to the point," Mundy said.
Rebecca Eastham, a hotel management teacher at Oklahoma State University, found Thompson "genuine and down home."
The crowd even cheered when Thompson admitted to a questioner that he didn't know much about Indian gaming and "wasn't going to soft-shoe" on the issue.
Among the loudest ovations came when the possibility of Thompson running for president was mentioned.
On that subject, Thompson remained coy, while saying he was not being coy. Current speculation has Thompson making a decision in mid-June, a timetable that he did not dispute when one of his questioners suggested it.
The idea that it was too late to get into the race that now has 10 Republican candidates is "baloney," he said.
But he conceded that, to have a chance as a candidate, he must enter the race "in a decent time."
Thompson's next speech is scheduled for June 3 at a Virginia Republican Party gala in Richmond, two days before the next GOP presidential debate in New Hampshire.
Contact Bill Theobald at

Monday, May 14, 2007

Call to Arms Minutemen

The internet (ie TUBE4FRED, Blogs,etc) needs to be utilized to the fullest extend possible to ensure Fred Thompsons election in 2008. The Grassroots in the Red States can pull off the mismatch in campaign funding(ie Move on .org, The Hilary machine, etc.) by utilizing all of the resources that are currently available to us via the Web. E-Mail at least 10 like minded Conservatives and even moderates that want this Country to return to the Principals that our government was founded upon, a strong Christian belief in God with defined differences between what is "Right" and what is "Wrong". I am still amazed at how many shades of Gray that the Dinosaur media (CBS,NBC,ABC,CNN, etal) can portray any given day and not have any moral conflict with their programing. They still are under the misconception that the general public is either too stupid or too lazy to call them on their blatant biased reporting. I for one have had enough. We have to take back our beloved Republic from the Left Wing groups that think that everything that is wrong with the world is the United States fault. We have take back our beloved Constitution from the "Establishment" mentality in the Supreme Court. We have to put back GOD into our public schools. We have to listen to the "Original Intent" as voiced by our Founding Fathers when they drafted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I believe and I know most True Americans know in their heart of hearts that this Country is on the brink of slipping into an abyss of immoral secularism if we do not change our Nations course. I know that Fred Dalton Thompson is the only Candidate (almost Candidate) that can Captain this "Ship of State" back to the true course that our Founding Fathers had set us on over 200 years ago. Fred Thompson Must be Elected in 2008.

We need more Oklahoman political leaders to step forward and endorse Fred Thompson. Texas has stepped up and a large number of its legislators have endorsed Thompsons Candidacy. I challenge Oklahoma Legislators to do the same and endorse Fred Thompson and convince him to run for the Whitehouse in 2008.

American Patriot

The Right Leadership for America
The Draft Thompson Committee Announces Oklahoma Support and Fred Thompson Victory in Wisconsin
Momentum for Thompson Grows across the Country

For Immediate Release
May 14th, 2007

“Fred Thompson is the right man for America . I enthusiastically endorse Senator Thompson because he a strong, extremely bright, consistent conservative who will be the best candidate by far to lead us in these difficult times,” said Cloud.

Edwards, former State Party Chair and former Chief Counsel to the National Republican Congressional Committee, added, “Senator Thompson is without a doubt the right leader for our nation. His core convictions and resolve will make him an outstanding candidate and even better president.”

“Commissioner Cloud and Chairman Edwards both have tremendous reputations in Republican politics and their leadership will be a tremendous addition to our committee,” said Dean Rice, Draft Committee Treasurer

The Draft Committee also announced today that former Senator Fred Thompson won the May 12, 2007 Wisconsin Republican Party straw poll with 31 percent of the vote. Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson and hometown favorite came in second with 27 percent ahead of former Massachusetts Governor Romney’s 13 percent and former New York Mayor Giuliani’s 11 percent. U.S. Senator John McCain had 3 percent.

The Draft Fred Thompson 2008 Committee serves to promote the potential candidacy of former Senator Fred Thompson. For more information about the Draft Fred Thompson 2008 Committee’s effort, visit

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

We are the Minutemen of the Future


Our beloved Country is in the middle of a crisis of GIGANTIC Political importance. The Presidential election in 2008 could mean the downfall of our Republic as we know it if the Democrats take control of the Whithouse. Do we want Hilary and her ilk teaming up with Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid and descimating our National Defense as was done during her husbands term in office. We deserve aConservative Republican that thinks the same way that the average American citizen thinks on Religion, Immigration, Right to Life, Gun Control, Less Government, Tzxes and Terrorism. The Former Senator Thompson had a very conservative voting record in the Senate.

The latest Rasmussen poll shows Senator Fred Thompson tied for second place with John McCain and he has not even announced his Candidacy for President. Fred is the only true Regan conservative that could spark the needed enthusiasm for the Republican Party in the 2008 election. Conservative voters have to stand up and answer the call to arms just as our Forefathers did on April 19,1775 at Lexington and Concord. We need to become the new minutemen. The new rapid response team that helps Fred Thompson spread his message to the American People via E-Mails and the internet.

Tell everyone that you know about Fred Thompson and sign the petition on the Draft Fred website to encourage him to annouce his Candidacy. There is a lot of talk about Senator Thompson on all the Conservative radio shows and speculation on what his annoucement to run would do to the rest of the Republican field and how he would pair up against the Democratic front runners. I personally do not believe that either John McCain or Rudy Gulioni have the legs to go the distance with the Democrats money machine of Move or even Hilary's well funded campaign apparatus trying to make it without this far left financing. Fred Thompson is a very savy man and is utilizing the internet like no other Republican before him. The Grassroots and the Redstates will pull Senator Thompson through the tough times ahead and into the Whitehouse in 2008.

See the the following Links for more information about our next President of the United States of America, Fred Dalton Thompson

God Bless Amerca and all the Patriots that stand up for what is right and wonderful in this Country.

The American Patriot