Thursday, July 5, 2007

Senator Thompson and Hilary tied in latest Rasmussen Poll

This is truly amazing to me that Senator Thompson would be tied with the Democratic front runner in the latest Rasmussen poll and he has not officially entered the Presidential race. What is not amazing is that the Democrats and Hilary's sycophants have already started taking pot shots at Fred. Senator Clinton has the best name recognition of all the Candidates in either party. Ms. Clintons only problem is that there are equal amounts of Americans that either hate her or love her. There are not many voters that are indifferent to her. Senator Thompson on the other hand has not had quite the media exposure that Clinton has had and still ties her in the Presidential poll. Senator Thompson will only get stronger, especially after the American People listen to him and get to know what he stands for. Fred is very forthright and clear on his positions and does not avoid tough questions. I am ready for the 2008 Presidential Debates when Hilary and Senator Thompson square off. It will be a blood bath. I know Senator Clinton try every dirty trick that she can to get an edge on the election using indirect smear campaigns orchestrated by her minions. Hopefully the American Public has learned something about how the Clinton's campaign and will see the dirty tactics that they employ for what they are, sick attempts to influence the gullable electorate by innuendo and smoke . Fred's easy manner and direct approach to the problems that concern Americans the most will convince the majority of thinking voters that he is the best hope for OUR Country.

American Patriot

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